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Strona startowa IECHost | Wykazanie urządzenia IECHost. Komoda & Amiga Plus #7 | Nowe wydanie magazynu Komoda & Amiga Plus: Pharaoh, Xplode Man, Super Silverfish, Jerry's Quest, My Life, Hat Trick, The Bear Essentials, Samurai Warrior, Thomas Heinrich, File Managers - SD2IEC, Pentagorat, Power Glove, SEUCK Compo 2016, Astromenace, Jon Hare, Blade Warrior, Trevor Dickinson, Amiga - 3D glasses, Final Writer 7.0, Amiga fighting games guide, Furia EC020 - A600, Memory of the past, Retro in photography, Amiga 600 custom painted case & keyboard, Monkey Island, Gamepad Boomerang, 1024 bytes: The Germans, The Original 8-bit Memes, Maldita Castilla, Game Start/Game Over, C64 - PS2, Talking Heads i Johnny presents. Scene World Podcast #33 | Nowy odcinek Scene World Podcast: Ron Gilbert (Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, The Cave i Thimbleweed Park). The Retrogaming Times #8 | Retrogaming Times (język angielski), w tym wydaniu: Prepare to Qualify, Upcoming Events, More C64! - Starring Bruce Willis, Retrogaming Feels - Rogue and Roguelikes, Reviving Halcyon Days of Gaming Youth, The Controller Chronicles - Sega Genesis Control Pad, A Pirate's Life For Me - Seventh Journey, Weekly Retrogaming Trivia Recap i See You Next Game. Mega65 | Nowa aktualizacja Mega65: Matrix mode, cartridge wsparcie i update video mode. SnapRip v1.2 | Nowa wersja programu SnapRip jest już dostępna. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Kane (Mastertronic, 1986), FRGR #09: Bomulus and the Lost Crown (Teknopiste, 1986), Into The Eagle's Nest (Pandora, 1987), Quartet (Sega, 1986) i Congo Bongo (Sega, 1983). Gunfright v1.10 - C64/128 & Plus/4 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64, C128 i Plus/4: Gunfright v1.10. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: Amiga A3000 System Schematics, Fontmaster 128, Spellmaster 128 and Calc Result advanced til Commodore 128 (Duński). Antony Crowther wywiad - Retrogamesmaster | Wywiad z Antony Crowther: Aztec Tomb, Bat Attack, Blagger, Bug Blaster, Gryphon, Killerwatt, Loco, Monty Mole, William Wobbler i ZigZag. Chicken Lips Radio #011 | Chicken Lips Podcast Radio jest dla użytkownika Commodore. W tym odcinku: ROM RAM upgrade - PET 2001-8N, D'Asaro Designs, Tynemouth Software, VCF East 2017, Changing the World 8 Bits at a Time, David Pleasance - Commodore: The Inside Story, Vintage Volts - Jeff Salzman, Mike Hill - Full Motion Commodore Video, Peter Fletcher - Battle Chess i Todd George / Commodorians. Oldservers | Retro komputery jako serwery: Commodore C64, Commodore C16 i Commodore PET 3032. LOAD #03 | LOAD to niemiecki pdf dla retro użytkowników komputerów. W tym wydaniu: Redakcja, Wiadomości, Apple III, Kiepsko Kondensatory elektrolityczne, DOS-Thinterminal, Amiga 2000, IBM-PC, Amiga dzisiaj, Xlinux, CP/M - ATmega88, CC 2016, Stefan Both i Vintage Computing Festival Berlin 2017. Petscii Editor 4.61 | Nowa wersja Edytora Petscii. SIDs: Deus, Formula 1 Simulator, Marco, N0rdl1cht 2013, Rox0r, The Waitress on Roller Skates i Valerio. 1541-II - Jan Beta | Naprawa z Commodore 1541-II. Retro Asylum Podcast | Nowa edycja Retro Asylum Podcast: Top 10 Amiga driving games. Mega65 | Nowa aktualizacja Mega65: prototyp. Convertron3000 | Nowy program do zdjęć w C64. Commodore 64: For the Love of a Machine | Nowa kampania Kickstarter dla książki o Commodore C64. Wywiady: Al Charpentier, Antony Crowther, Ben Daglish, Bob Yannes, Chris Hülsbeck, Dave Collier, Dave Rowe, Fred Gray, Karen Davies-Downey, Donna Steiner-Buttlaire, Dawn Jones, Ally Noble, John Twiddy i Zoltan Kelemen. DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: Freedom Fighters featuring Galactic Defender and Fearless Flyer, Magician, Orbyte Software, Commodore Software Encyclopedia, Softdisk Publishing, Sacramento Commodore Computer Club, BASIC Fun with Adventure Games, VisaCalc Home and Office Companion, Computer Digest i How to Get the Most Out of CompuServe. IECHost | Wykazanie urządzenia IECHost. | Aktualizacja na stronie WinVICE 3.1, IDE64 Plugins Pack 2012, North West Arkansas Computer Users Association Disk Collection, CCGMS 2017 v4, CBMPrgStudio v3.10.0, DOS/65 for the Commodore 64, Compute!'s Mapping the Commodore 128, C16 Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner, Nics-C64-Disks_17Jan2016.SB, 1541 Ultimate 2+ Firmware v3.1, Hoxs64 (x86) v1.0.9.2 i The Load Newsletter - vol.01-01 & 01-02 1983. The Retro Hour #65 | The Retro Hour jest profesjonalnym Podcast z Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. W tym odcinku: Amiga demo scene Megademos i Kim Frederiksen aka Psycho/Budbrain. VICE 3.1 | Nowa wersja VICE (Versatile Emulator Commodore) jest już dostępny: SID, StarDOS, 1571 (g64/p64), VIA, script64, vizawrite64 i paperclip64. CBM-Transfer v1.00 | Aktualizacja dla CBM-Transfer. Retro Asylum Podcast 156 | Retro Asylum Podcast jest podcast English. Gry: Head over Heels, The Eidolon, Boulderdash, Bruce Lee, Star wars, Spy vs spy, Trailblazer i Summer Games. The Retro Hour #64 | The Retro Hour jest profesjonalnym Podcast z Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. W tym odcinku: Ben Heck - Commodore 64 original hardware laptop. Floppy Days - Podcast #71 | Floppy Days to angielski podcast o komputerach retro. W tym odcinku: Brian Bagnall, Commodore: A Company on the Edge. CBM prg Studio v3.10.0 | Nowa wersja CBM prg Studio jest dostępne. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: Amiga Computing, CU Amiga Magazine, Diavolo Backup, Amiga 2000 Service Manual Main Unit, Busy Pack Økonomisystem for C128, Programming the Commodore 64 The Definitive Guide, Sixty programs for the Commodore 64, Vic20 Commercial, Mastering the Amiga, Din første database på Commodore 64, PageSetter LaserScript Registration Card and Updates Form, PageSetter LaserScript User's Guide, NewTek Digi-Paint Manual Addendum and Additional Information, NewTek Using Digi-Paint, GVP Installation Disk Notes i DesignWorks 2.0 User's Manual. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Up'n Down (Sega, 1983), Golf Master (Hewson/Rack-It, 1988) i Drelbs (Synapse Software, 1983). Matt Gray interview - Retrogamesmaster | Wywiad z Matt Gray (BMX Simulator II: Dirt Biking, Dizzy: Treasure Island, Driller, Maze Mania, Ninja Massacre, Yogi Bear i Last Ninja 2).