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Strona startowa DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: Commodore PET Series BASIC Programming (2), Darkhorn The Realm of the Warlords, The Great American Cross-Country Road Race, Arcticfox, The Bards Tale II The Destiny Knight, Fire King, Beginning BASIC on the Commodore 64, Approach Trainer Pilot, 1869, Commterm 64, The Very First C128 Tutorial, Portmaker Dual IO PCB V2, Datamaster Computer Cassette Model 5500 i Grappler CD Printer Interface. Commodore: The Inside Story | Nowy projekt Kickstarter David John Pleasance: Commodore: The Inside Story. Commodore Free #96 | Nowa edycja English pdf, text, seq, D64, html i czasopisma ebook jest już dostępny. W tej edycji, co następuje: Aktualności, Happy programming, Steve Morrow, SMILA, Slartibardfast, C64 Code Hacking, Martin Piper, SEUCK Redux Project i SuperBoot v1.00 - SuperCPU. Floppy Days - Podcast #70 | Floppy Days to angielski podcast o komputerach retro. W tym odcinku: Wywiad z Michael Tomczyk, Ultimate 1 Mb, Atari DOS 2.5, Art of Atari, BASIC 10 linie i RetroChallenge 2017/04. Retrochallenge 2017/04 | Październikowe wydanie z RetroChallenge, 01-04-2017 do dnia 01-04-2017. Return #28 | Returm magazyn jest magazynem dla 8-bitowych komputerów użytkowników, od A (Atari) do Z (ZX Spectrum). W tym wydaniu: Space Invaders, The Lands of Zador, Barnsley Badger, Chasm the Rift, Midijoy, Mame, Dune, Norton Commander, Magazyn gry 80s & 90s (3), Binarium, X-2016, AmigaOS (7), Bagman, Xenon2 Megablast, Thor i Int. Karate. The Retrogaming Times #7 | Retrogaming Times (język angielski), w tym wydaniu: Prepare to Qualify, Upcoming Events, More C64!, Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, Apple IIGS Super Mario Bros., Nintendo 64 Controller, CoolBoy 198 in 1, VZ-200 & VZ-300, Retrogaming Dealers, Trivia Recap i See You Next Game. Retrohax: Naprawa plastikowa | Naprawa plastikowa retro komputery. The story of Commodore and Atari - Leonard Tramiel | Rozmowa z Leonard Tramiel (Commodore & Atari). BCC Party #11 - Compo wyniki | C64 Demo: Trafolta, Vega & Lollipop. C64 Graphics: Secret of the Forbidden City, Love in Time of Laser Raptors & Compufreak. Wild Demo: Angracer & BASIC 2.0. Mixed: Slipstream, Super Marioahner Sisters & Fruchtbärchen. Mixed Demo: Nomad, HF Empire Intro & Monitori Te Salutant Revision 2017 | Demo party Revision: 14 kwietnia do 17 kwietnia 2017 roku. The Retro Hour #59 | The Retro Hour jest profesjonalnym Podcast z Dan Wood & Ravi Abbott. W tym odcinku: Scott Adams, Commodore C65, 2dark, Dreamcast, Hyper Sentinal, Primal Rage 2 i The Commodore Story film dokumentalny. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: Commodore Service Training material for CBM 4022P and 4023, Commodore Service Training material for CBM 40xx/80xx, Cinemaware Warp Speed manual, Interactivision InterBase 2.0 Amiga manual, Interactivision InterTalk 2.0 manual, Interactivision InterPrint 2.0 Printer Manager manual, Interactivision InterPaint manual, Public Domain Amiga in der Tasche Band 1, Betafon Amiga & Tilbehør Prisliste, Comal 80 cartridge for C128, Interactivision InterSpread 2.0, Commodore AmigaVision Authoring System User's Guide and User's Reference, Logic Diagram Dynamic PET CBM 3032-4032, Schematic Diagram Commodore Printer 4022, Schematic Diagram Printer Commodore MPP-1361, Schematic Diagram Printer Commodore 8023P, DeluxePaint Art & Utility Disk Volume 1, Trident Software 64-TRAN User's Manual, Commodore Service Training for CBM 3040, 4040, 3001, 8050, 8250, 8250LP and 8296D, Commodore Matrixdrucker MPS-803 Bedienungshandbuch, Commodore Dot Matrix Printer Technical Manual Model 8023P MPP-I36I and Amigas i Monitors Engineering Change Request, 31 August 1993. Retro gaming party - | Retro party w Portugalii z komputera Commodore C64 i Amiga. KiloByte magazine 3 | KiloByte magazyn (PDF, język angielski) dla 8-bit Komputer domowy i konsola gier wideo. W tym wydaniu: Floppy disks, Tapecart, CD games, MOS chips, Athanor, Moonspire i 8-bit Civilizations. 1541 disk drive - Jan Beta | Naprawa z Commodore 1541. The Commodore Story - Changing the world 8-bits at a time | Nowa kampania Kickstarter: The Commodore Story - Changing the world 8-bits at a time. DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: Aprospand-64, geoTheo Thesaurus, Expandamem Owners Manual, Star LC10C Users Guide, Byte Flight 1 Catalog, Doodle Color Sketch Pad, Softwood Advertisement Final Writer 4, geoFont Catalog ShadowM, TV Sports Baseball, Wild West World, Whales Voyage, The Commodore 64 Disk Book, Commodore 64 Assembler Workshop, Curse of RA, E.S.S. Mega Manual, Logical Manual, Moving Gives Me a Stomach Ache, Mud Puddle, Musicolor, Raffles, Scary Poems for Rotten Kids, Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, Tale of Peter Rabbit, Team Yankee, The Paperback Princess, Thomas Snowsuit, Trivial Pursuit, Shiftrix & Lettrix, Tie-Break, Winzer Manual, etc. | Aktualizacja na stronie Compute's Machine Language Games for the Commodore 64, Commodore 64 Assembly Language Arcade Programming i VIC-20 Software Releases of 2016. Scene World Podcast #30 | Nowy odcinek Scene World Podcast: MEGA65 team: Paul Gardner-Stephen, Andre Kudra, i Detlef Hastik. Kick Assembler v4.8 | Nowa wersja Kick Assembler. Retrohax: 1541 | Restauracja Commodore 1451stacja dyskietek. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Garfield: Big, Fat, Hairy Deal (The Edge, 1987), FRGR #07: Kultakuume (Triosoft, 1986), Blades of Steel (Konami, 1987), Netherworld (Hewson Consultants, 1988), TWOFER #15: Finnish Special! i TLL (Vortex Software, 1984). BASIC 10Liners 2017 | Konkurs na dokonanie podstawowej wersji gry w 10 liniach. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: The Working Commodore 64, Proposed solutions to BASIC garbage collection, Monteringsvejledning for BASIC 4,0 (CBM3032), Commodore PET 2001 Operating System Version 4.0 assembly listing, ALFADATA RA5 RAM Card User's Manual, ANCONA High Resolution Monitor BW 861/10G and BW 861/10W, Commodore 64 Exposed, Amiga Computing Issue 49 extra - SuperBase Personal, Abacus AmigaDOS Quick Reference, Amiga Game Maker's Manual with AMOS Basic i PET BASIC 4.0 ROM assembly listing. Tetris - 6502 Assembler 13 | Blog o języku programowania maszyn 6502. Eight Bit Magazine 3 | Nowy magazyn dla komputera retro: Eight Bit Magazine 3. Retro Asylum Podcast 153 | Nowa edycja Retro Asylum Podcast: Mads i Steve grać w Super Cars 2 (Magnetic Fields) na Amiga. Princess C64SD v4.0 Ultra | Nowa wersja księżniczki jest już dostępna: C=LINK (Bluetooth), TAP (indeks, multi & PET/CBM), stand-alone i ATMega1284p - 128KB flash. 8701 wymiana | 8701 zamiennik dla 250425, 250466, 250469 i C128, NTSC & PAL. Retro Asylum Podcast 152 | Nowa edycja Retro Asylum Podcast: Simon Butler (Boot Camp, Highlander, Legend of Kage, N.O.M.A.D., The Neverending Story, Shadowfire i Transformers). TOSEC | TOSEC został zaktualizowany. The Old School Emulation Center, to grupa ludzi, którzy zajmują się zbieraniem gier I programów dla komputerów domowych I konsol. W tej aktualizacji: 8 nowych, 79 uaktualniono i 0 usunięto.