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Strona startowa Eight Bit Magazine 3 | Nowy magazyn dla komputera retro: Eight Bit Magazine 3. Retro Asylum Podcast 153 | Nowa edycja Retro Asylum Podcast: Mads i Steve grać w Super Cars 2 (Magnetic Fields) na Amiga. Princess C64SD v4.0 Ultra | Nowa wersja księżniczki jest już dostępna: C=LINK (Bluetooth), TAP (indeks, multi & PET/CBM), stand-alone i ATMega1284p - 128KB flash. 8701 wymiana | 8701 zamiennik dla 250425, 250466, 250469 i C128, NTSC & PAL. Retro Asylum Podcast 152 | Nowa edycja Retro Asylum Podcast: Simon Butler (Boot Camp, Highlander, Legend of Kage, N.O.M.A.D., The Neverending Story, Shadowfire i Transformers). TOSEC | TOSEC został zaktualizowany. The Old School Emulation Center, to grupa ludzi, którzy zajmują się zbieraniem gier I programów dla komputerów domowych I konsol. W tej aktualizacji: 8 nowych, 79 uaktualniono i 0 usunięto. DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: Liverpool Software Gazette, 4023 Printer Users Manual, Castles 2 Siege, Conquest, Dragonstone, Flink, Guardian, Lamborghini American Challenge, Legends, Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, Beyond The Black Hole, Pitstop, Sentinel Worlds I Future Magic, Leader Board Executive Tournament, World Class Leaderboard Famous Courses 2, Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Cymbal, Metroblitz, Neoclyps, Ski Devil, Stryx Comic, Deluxe Music Construction Set, Jim Butterfields - Machine Language, Abacus Machine Language, Supermon, Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner, Das Grosse PLUS/4, Buscard Rev A, Track & Field, Match Maker, Comal Today i The Amazing Adventures of Captain Comal. | Aktualizacja na stronie The_Amigan, Amiga Mail Market, Enchanted_Realms, Quest Busters i Future Clues. Chicken Lips Radio #010 | Chicken Lips Podcast Radio jest dla użytkownika Commodore. W tym odcinku: TNMOC, Bil Herd's HerdWare CPLD, ARMIGA, CP/M Infocom C128, C64 Banner, Amiga 1200 Keycaps, Slack Client C64, CommVEX 2017, Mega65, Eaten By A Grue, Commodore 65 - eBay, DreamPi, Amiga 500 Flash ROM, Plus/4, C116, C16 - PLA Chip i Quick Boot GEOS. The Retrogaming Times #6 | Retrogaming Times (język angielski), w tym wydaniu: Prepare to Qualify, Upcoming Events, More C64! - Sylvester Stallone (Rambo: First Blood Part II, Cobra, Rambo III), Retrogaming Feels - Final Fantasy, Coin-OP Game Room Coming to San Francisco, The Controller Chronicles - Intellivision Controller, A Pirate's Life For Me - Fifth Journey, NES Classic Edition - Worth Waiting For?, How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Atari 5200, A Timely Gift of Endless Adventure i See You Next Game. Viva Amiga | Dokument Viva Amiga jest już dostępna. Napisy holenderski, francuski, niemiecki, grecki, włoski, japoński, polski, portugalski i hiszpański są dostępne. GadgetUK164: Neo Geo to Atari, C64 & Amiga Joystick | GadgetUK164: Neo Geo do Atari, C64 & Amiga Joystick. Commodore 64 SDrive 1564 review | Przegląd SDrive 1564 - Steve Morrow. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: Commodore 2058 Installation Guide, Commodore plus/4 guide d'utilisation, SpeedDOS manual, VLab RealTime Video Digitizer for the Amiga User's Guide, BMP Bladet, Lords of the Realm, Amax II User's Guide, Bards Tale II Clue book, Dr. T's Music Software - Midi recording studio, Sensible Soccer Manual i RocTec RocHard RH800C User's Manual. Adam Gilmore - Interview | Wywiad z Adam Gilmore, The Day of the Jackal, Mutiny, Retire to Zork After Burner, Ninja Commando, Sabotage, International Tennis, Elvira: The Arcade Game i Ball-Blasta. Happy 2017 | Bardzo szczęśliwy 2017

Richard VICE 3.0 | Nowa wersja VICE (Versatile Emulator Commodore) jest już dostępny: Android, Windows RT i Sortix wersja. SCPU64 i KoalaPad. Nowe lub ulepszone: DAC Audio, tape, light pen, Commodore 1520, 1540, keyrah, RS232 net, IDE64 v4.2, RGCD, Final Cartridge III+, rrnet mk3, easy calc result, GMod2, MMC64, MMCReplay, RetroReplay, RRNET, MP3@64, joy-port, user-port, Swiss ROM, CP/M (Z80), UltiMem, BehrBonz, VFLI, PET HRE, Kipper Basic, Basic on Bails, The Tool 64, Eve Basic, RSID BASIC, CG-SIDplayer i psid. Lotek64 #54 | Nowe wydanie Lotek64 ten niemieckojęzyczny magazyn PDF zawiera następujące artykuły: Bukowski-Diskette, Raging Beast, C128D/81 Prototype, Pitfall!, Pix-Mas, Game City 2016, Conan , Amiga CDTV-CR, Super Cat Bros, Homebrew-Games, Ich habe das Internet gelöscht , Chipmusik, Newsticker i Roger Wilco. Scene World Podcast #29 | Nowy odcinek Scene World Podcast: Individual Computers - Jens Schoenfeld, Tronimal's Hello World Gameboy Album, A Winner Is You Cartridge, Sergio Elisondo, Rad Rodgers, David Crane, Chris Grigg, Tectoy, Joe Lewandowski, 64Bites Assembler Tutorial i Reloaded. TapEx - v1.05 | Nowa wersja TapEx dla Commodore C64. Super Pavloda, Bleepload, Macmillan loader, Alternative loader, Procass loading system, Turrican loader, TDI-loaders , Guerrilla War, Snakeload V5 / V5.1, Ocean T2, Action Replay loader, CBM ROM SEQ-files, Trilogic loader, Atlantis loader, Trap loader, Palace T1 / T2, Rainbow Arts T1 / T2 loaders, Tai-Pan, Rainbow Islands, Freeload format 2, 3 & 4, Dragon Load, Hewson loader i Freeze Frame Tape. Komoda & Amiga Plus #6 | Nowe wydanie magazynu Komoda & Amiga Plus: TOP 2016: C64 graphics, GEOS, X-2016, Sid Adventures: c0zmo, Additional signal sockets for C64, Power supply replacement, 2016 Reset 4kb Coding Compo, Superhero games, Project Firestart, Fort Django, Punkiller, Quadrillion, Pac-Pac, Frutty Man, Athanor: The Awakening, Icicle Race, Pickle's Pod Patrol, The Moonstone phenomenon, GameDev Story: Rob Anderson, Reshoot, Giana Sisters S.E., SWOS: 2016/17 update, Amiga and CF memory cards, The power of infirmity, Old Computers and Games, Expo, Kraków, RetroKomp 2016, Individual Computers, 1024 bits, Superfrog, Retro games collector's edition, Android TV Box, Undertale, Talking Heads 84 i Johnny presents. Greek Software Houses 80s - 90s | Artykuł o greckich gry 80s - 90s. The story of Commodore | Bil Herd u 2016 Hackaday SuperConference. DLH's Commodore Archive | Nowy w archiwum DLH: Wizard, Princess, Mission Assteroid, Pinehurst 2 Americas Famous Course, Easy Finance I, II, III, IV & V, - Archon I & II,The Worlds Greatest BaseBall Game Enhanced, Gauntlet III The Final Quest, Wizard of IDs WizMath, Nuclear War, Oil Barons, Triad Instruction, Bee C's, Music Composer, Football, Whole Brain Spelling, Scenery Disks, Night Mission Pinball, Questprobe-Series The Hulk, Fantastic Four The Human Torch & The Thing, Moptown Hotel, Vendetta Player, Money Manager, Your Money Manager, Your Income Taks, Alternate Reality The City, Bonus Pack, Amiga Game Zone, Amiga Newsletters User's Group, Amiga Transactor, Social Studies Learning Guide, English Language Suffixes-1, American History The Decades Game 1, Lockpick, Amiga User International, 64 Doctor, Chipwits, Z-Pilot, Alien Destruction Set i The Mandroids. Richard Leinfellner interview | Wywiad z Richard Leinfellner (The Evil Dead, Cauldron, Barbarian, The Sacred Armour of Antiriad i Dan Malone's brainchild). | Aktualizacja na stronie Input 3, 5,12, 19, 22, 30, 31, 34, 39 & 40, Re-Run 1985 Spring, 1985 Fall, 1986 3/4, 1986 5/6, 1987 1/2, 19887 5/6, 1987 11/12, 1988 1/2, 1989 1/2, 1989 5/6, 1989 7/8, 1989 9/10, 1991 7/8, 1991 9/10 i Re-Run Geos. Retro invaders kalendarze 2017 | Nowy kalendarz Retro invaders jest już dostępny. W tym roku: PETSCII art. Retro Commodore | Nowe skany z Retro Commodore: AlterImage Genlock Manual, The Publishers Choice Manual, COMputer, Commodore Computing, Amiga Hardware Reference Manual, Commodore 1801 Monitor User's Guide, Gunship 2000 Manual, Star LC10c User's Manual, Commodore plus/4 Commercial (Danish), Commodore C16 Commercial (Danish), Blasters Party Invite, HiScore i CU Amiga Magazine. Altiworld BBS  | Aktualizacja dla AltiWorld BBS. Commodore Free #95 | Nowa edycja English pdf, text, seq, D64, html i czasopisma ebook jest już dostępny. W tej edycji, co następuje: Aktualności, Commodore SID chip, Andreas Beermann, FPGASID, Growing Pains, DUBCRT, Tim Koch i Space Chase (PET). CBM prg Studio v3.9.0 | Nowa wersja CBM prg Studio jest dostępne. D64 Editor v0.035 | Nowa wersja D64 Editor.