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Strona startowa Frutty Man - Plus/4 | Nowy gra dla Commodore Plus/4: Frutty Man. Yatzy - C64 | Nowy gra dla Commodore C64: Yatzy. Athanor - VIC20 | Nowa gra dla Commodore VIC 20: Athanor. C64 Endings | Nowe gry są następujące: Mancopter (Datasoft), The Last Ninja 3 (System 3), KGB Agent (Pirate Software), Jaws (Screen 7), Imagination (Firebird), Hawkeye (Thalamus), Gates of Dawn (Virgin Games), Fighting Soccer (Activision), Elvin (Rainbow Arts), Dark Caves (CP Verlag), Captain Power and The Soldiers of the Future (Box Office) i Barbarian (Psygnosis/Melbourne House). The Games-Coffer | Nowe w tym miesiącu: Computer Conflict, Moria, Parodia Adventure, Senseless Violence, Soccer Cards - FA Cup, Mangled Fenders ACE, UChess, Wipe Off, WipeOut!, Yatcy, Demon Wars, TurboRaketti i UFOs. States of Brazil - C64 | States of Brazil to nowa gra na komputer Commodore C64 opracowana przez Cout Games. Kabura - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Kabura. Breakaway 2016 - C64 | Nowa SEUCK gra dla Commodore C64: Breakaway 2016. Exit Plan Z - VIC20 | Nowa gra dla Commodore VIC 20 z R'zo: Exit Plan Z. Blocky Skies - Amiga | Nowa gra dla Amiga: Blocky Skies. RandTown Builder - Plus/4 | Nowa gra dla Commodore Plus/4 z R'zo: RandTown Builder. WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: Acid in the House (North Star & The Silents), Megademo (Manowar), Megademo (Cult), Music Disk (Dreamscape), Music Disk 2 (Darkness), Harmagedon (Infect), 2D (Remedy) i Megademo 2 (Vortex 42). Zaktualizowano: Final Fight (Capcom), Cabaret Asteroids (Vertical), Rainbow Islands (Ocean), North & South (Infogrames), Rainbow Islands (Ocean), Future Wars / Les Voyageurs Du Temps (Delphine Software), Red Heat (Ocean) i Future Wars / Les Voyageurs Du Temps (Delphine Software). Excalibur - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64 z Laddh: Excalibur. Space Chase - CBM II | Nowa gra dla Commodore CBM-II z Christian Krenner: Space Chase. C64 Endings | Nowe gry są następujące: Java Jim in Square Shape Trouble (Creative Sparks), Ikari III: The Rescue (SNK), Havoc (Players Premier), Garrison (Rainbow Arts), Fight Night (U.S. Gold), Elven Warrior (Players Premier), Dark Castle (Mirrorsoft), Captain Kidd (Bug-Byte), Bangkok Knights (System 3), After Burner (USA) (Mindscape), Warrior (Living Colors Software), Vendetta (System 3), Uninvited (Mindscape), Uninvited (Mindscape) i Samurai Warrior: The Battles of Usagi Yojimbo (Firebird). The Games-Coffer  | Nowe w tym miesiącu: Dinowarp, Junior Maths, Math Drill, Pictures and Letters, Tome Of Myths, Claudes Runner, Operation Desert Storm, All Over The World, Psycho Squares Deluxe, War In The New Era, Calculus Combat, Educational Proggys, Holiday Pics, Kids Disk 1, Project Apollo, Aquanaut, Giddy II, Operation Firestorm, Jellyquest, Necessary Roughness, Pioneers, Splash, Spod Blaster, Bouncy, British Manager, Casino, Conflict Federation II, Federation, Gordon & The Floaters, Numerix, Rage V2.0, Reels, Scorched Tanks V1.90 i The X Mass Project. Honey Bee - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64 z TND: Space Chase. Evil Garden - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Evil Garden. QWAK 1.2 - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: QWAK 1.2. Arthur the Viking - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64 z Roberto Ricioppo: Arthur the Viking. Shotgun - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Shotgun. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Unique Games! (10), The Last Ninja (System 3, 1987), Enduro Racer (Sega, 1986) i Uuno Turhapuro muuttaa maalle (Amersoft, 1986). | Nowe gry są: 200-1 C64GS Collection, Alienator (RGCD Competiion 2015), Alone against the BSE9, Beach Head Id, Beppe Kid, Blap N Bash Revisted, Boulderdashes, Bug Hunt, Castle of Life, Chichen Itza, Chobin II, Coach, Crackers Revenge II, Crackers Revenge III, Crackers Revenge IV, Crackers Revenge V, CRX Race, Dress Up (Steveboy 2016), Drugs, Dungeon Wizard, Grannys Garden, Heathcliff, Hugo Hunt, Icicle Race i ISS - Incredible Shrinking Sphere. Pentagram - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Pentagram. C64 Endings | Nowe gry są następujące: Jammin' - Taskset, Ikari Warriors (US version) - Data East, Harbour Attack - Commodore Business Machines, Garfield: Winter's Tail - The Edge, Fiendish Freddy's Big Top O'Fun - Mindscape, Elite - Firebird, Dante's Inferno - Beyond / Denton Designs, Captain Fizz meets the Blaster-Trons - Psyclapse, Bangers and Mash - Alternative Software, After Burner - Activision, Warlok - Calisto Software, Velocipede II - Players. Slavia 2 - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Slavia 2. Opracowane przez: Minimoog i przetestowane przez: H3R0 i Kondzio. Bonanza Bros - Amiga | Bonanza Bros to gra na Amiga z roku 1991. Gra jest wykonana przez: Andy Severn (kod), Martin Severn (grafika) i Mark Wilson (muzyka). GemDropX - AROS | Nowa gra dla AROS: GemDropX. QuarxProbe - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: QuarxProbe. The Seuck Vault | Nowe gry na stronie Seuck Vault: Galaxy Phasor. Telengard - VIC20 | Neo-Rio wydała Commodore VIC 20 wersji gry Telengard. GTW64 - Sleepwalker C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Sleepwalker.