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Strona startowa WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: The Codertrash, Burning i Megademo. Zaktualizowano: Quest For Glory / Hero's Quest, Marble Madness, Leisure Suit Larry 2, Groovy Jives 3, Alfred - The Music Disk, Peace in the Gulf, Music Party 1990, Musicland 1 & 2, The Dogs Cogs, Crystal Symphonies 1 & 2 i Hymn 633. Tanks Furry - Amiga | Nowa wersja Tanks Furry dla Amiga jest już dostępna. Die! Alien Slime (3) | Nowa aktualizacja Die! Alien Slime: Bugs. The Lands of Zador - Plus/4 | Nowa gra dla Commodore Plus/4: The Lands Of Zador. C64 Endings | Strona ma 10 nowych zakończeń gier: Saliva Kid (CP Verlag), Rainbow Dragon (Firebird), Parallax (Ocean), Para Assault Course (Zeppelin Graphics), Olli & Lissa - The Ghost of Shilmoore Castle (Firebird), Necromancer (Synapse Software), Magic Land Dizzy (Codemasters), L.A. Police Dept. (Interceptor), Katakis (Rainbow Arts) i Jack the Nipper 2 (Gremlin Graphics). Mah Jongg - VIC20 | Nowa gra dla Commodore VIC-20: Mah Jongg. Movement - C64 | Nowa gra dla Commodore C64: Movement Sheepoid - Frozen In Time - C64 | Sheepoid - Frozen In Time to nowa gra dla Commodore C64. Petaco'5 - C64 | Petaco'5 to nowa gra dla Commodore C64. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): The Sacred Armour of Antiriad (Palace Software, 1986), Balloonacy (New Dimension, 2001), Sub Hunter (Psytronik Software, 2008), Eliminator (Hewson Consultants, 1988), Frak! (Aardvark, 1984), Miner Machine (Boss Company, 1987), Renegade (Technos Japan Corp./Taito, 1986), BoneCruncher (Superior Software, 1987) i The Last V8 (Mastertronic, 1985). Super Pizza 2 - C64 | Super Pizza 2 to nowa gra dla Commodore C64. Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Captain Fizz V1, BooBer, Crowboy, Gemini Wing V1, Gung-Ho!, Star Goose, Starfighter One, Super Elite i Super Pinball. Aktualizacja: Armalyte 2, Charlie Chaplin, Chiller V1, Escape From Colditz, Fast 'n Furious, Goremium, Little Beau, Murder!, Pipe Mania, Rex, Scooby Doo, Scooby Doo V1, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Space Ace, Super C, The 4th Dimension, The Punisher, Twin Range i nieznane gry w tenisa. C64 Endings | Strona ma 3 nowych zakończeń gier: Plural (CP Verlag), Periscope Up (Atlantis Software) i Astrobot (CBI). WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Zaktualizowano: Darkmere, Eye Of The Storm, Brian the Lion, Astro Marine Corps, Turrican, Netherworld, Bart vs. the World, Ultimate Golf, Airborne Ranger, Terminator 2 i After Burner 2. C64 Endings | Strona ma 9 nowych zakończeń gier: Humpty in the garden (Artic), Jungle Drums (Eurogold), Jewels of Babylon (Interceptor Software), Knight Rider (Ocean Software), Lethal (Alternative Software), Las Vegas Casino (Zeppelin Games), Outrun (U.S. Gold), Power Pyramids (Quicksilva) i The Pearl of Dawn (CP Verlag). Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Combo Racer, Dragonstone 2, Fists of fury, Nitro i The Horsekiller. Aktualizacja: Bryan Robson’s Super League, F-86 Sabre Strike, Final Command, Go Karts, Joan Of Arc: Siege And The Sword, Little Knight Arthur, Murder!, Nigel Mansell’s Grand Prix, Nighthunter, Quantarallax, Unnamed Game, Zamzara V1, Ziggurat, Zombies i Undead Or Alive. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Chuckie Egg (A'n'F Software, 1983), Painterboy (Tikkurila, 1986), Silkworm (Tecmo, 1988), Unique Games: Afterlife, Part 2, Santa's Xmas Caper (Zeppelin Games, 1990) i Olympic Skier (Mr. Chip Software, 1983). WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: Alfabet Smierci, Black Hornet, Revenge of the Mutant Camels 2 i Manchester United: The Double. Zaktualizowano: Winzer, After Burner 2, Wings of Death, First Contact, Chambers of Shaolin, Revenge of the Mutant Camels 2, Dyna Blaster, Total Recall, Multi Megamix 2, Goal!, Manchester United: Premier League Champions i Defenders of the Earth. Plus/4 Endings | Plus/4 Endings, nowe gry: Mac Coin, Nibbly 92, 3D Time Trek, Battle Axe, Crazy Tennis, Sqij, Power Ball, Simple Puzzle, Zolyx +++, Pilot X, Memento, Bit Fox, Star Wars, Tower Of Evil, Grid, Flaschen Hannes, Xargon Wars, Skramble, Pharaoh's Tomb, Micropainter, Go Ahead!, Drol, Break Dance, Dizzy 3, Mr. Puniverse, Leapin Louie, Jack Attack, Jabba Otthona, Strange Building, Dodo, Adventures In Time i Majesty Of Sprites. | Nowe gry są: Blap N Blash, Caren and the Tangled Tentacles, Catch a Thief, Cosmic Warrior, Daffy Duck, Das Camp, Die drei Musketiere, Dragonfire (GKGM), Dragonfire (Imagic), Edge of Time - Double or Nothing, Ferris s Christmas Caper, Firefighter Mario, Gameboy Tetris (Wiebo de Wit), Gulp and Arrow Graphics, Hyper Viper, Jump Machine, Jump Ninja prv., Kikstart II (Doreco), Ladybug 2015, Lode Runner - 2015 TRT, Lorella Quadrant 4, Quadrofender, The Final Cartridge III, The Golden Baton i Werner Flaschbier (Doreco). WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: Action Replay MKII/III Loader, Spellbound Dizzy, Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego i Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego. Zaktualizowano: Dragonstone, Magicland Dizzy, The Kristal, Mad Professor Mariarti, Mean Machine, Castle Of Dr. Brain, Alien Syndrome, Volfied, Dino Wars, Rampage, Aladdin, Space Quest, Archipelagos, Where in the USA is Carmen, African Raiders-01, Ultima VI: The False Prophet, Muzzax 2, Muzzax, Black Cauldron, Bards Tale, Reunion i Musication. C64 Endings | Strona ma 9 nowych zakończeń gier: Bah, Humbug (TND Games), Chiller (Mastertronic), Garrison (Rainbow Arts), GooseBusters (Virgin Mastertronic), Ghost Town (Virgin Mastertronic/Marrex), Gothik (Firebird Software), Hobgoblin (Atlantis Software), Hercules - SOTD (Gremlin Graphics) i International 3D Tennis (Palace Software).
Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Worron, Firefighter Mario, Urban Warrior, Enemy, Bob's Full House V1, Croc, Switchblade, Unknown football game, Unknown tennis game, Quantarallax, Nuker, Wildfire, Stellar 7, Cavey, Molecale, Girl Guard, Jupple Dust, Onion Yupy, Paratron, Wizerior 2 , Yloa, Flimbo's Quest V1, Flimbos Quest 2, Ash and Dave assets, Beatle Quest - Parts Two and Three, Little Knight Arthur i The City of 'Ehdollah. Aktualizacja: Atlantis, Dempsey & Makepeace, Ilogicall, Murder!, Outside, Quadrofender, Speed Fighter, The Greedy Dwarf i Zamzara V1. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): The Snowman (Quicksilva Ltd, 1983), Afrikan Tähti (Amersoft, 1985), Uridium (Hewson, 1986), Jumping Jack (Imagine, 1983) i Unique Games! - Part 9. Moldi's Treasure 8/10 | Nowe gry i oprogramowanie: Lethargix, Kémiai Reakciók II, Német-Magyar Szótár, Csucsu Super Tape, Konto-file 1.0, Bit Image (MPS), Relokator, Plus 23 Funktion Keys, Legionnaire, Cube Caster, Deltex-Dump, Bus-Stop, Plus-Paket (AMA), Keresztrelytvény, Beobachtungen, Hires FLI, M-FLI 1, M-FLI Laced 2, That's A Way, Miami Vice, King Demo. C64 Endings | Strona ma 4 nowych zakończeń gier: Evil Crown (Argus Press Software), First Strike (Elite), Force One (Firebird) i Gangster (Marex). The Games-Coffer | Nowe w tym miesiącu: Classic Games #2, Classic Games #3, Cybertech Corporation, Midnight Thief, Robouldix, Turbo Jam, Cash Fruit, Catacomb, IFO, Rough Waters, Star Strike 2000, The Awakening, From Yor Smile, Gentlemen, Give It Up Man, Mission, Mystic Shadows, Nightfall, Quantum Two, The Seventh Sea, U Fat Bastard, Vanished Vanity, Vertical Madness, Virgin, Yumms Balljam, Egg Scramble, Kill Joy, Kiss The Canvas, Knotty, Power Tetris, Puzzword, Robs Games #8, Spitfire Assault, Star Settlers, Star Trek (SEUCK), 27 mods, Bop and Plop, Llamatron, Diamond Caves, Total Species, Marath, Creep Show, Dark Lord No.9, Freddys Dead, Friday The 13th, Horror Slideshow i Nightbreed. Moldi's Treasure 7/10 | Nowe gry i oprogramowanie: Kristalyoszcillatorok, Bard's Tale III Songs, Bridgehead, Alex's Catalog 1.0, Space Taxy, Eprom Packer V9.1, Fast-load 1551, Kerek Bar, Évezredek, Microscopy, Miner 410er, Stick Or Twist, Wizard Of Wor, TIT-anic i Chubby Checker. WHDLoad | WHDLoad umożliwia ładowanie dyskietkowych gier Amigowych z dysku twardego. Nowości: Megademo, Dynamo, Acme 1991 Slideshow, Tuneshow III / IV, Fantastic Pix Vol.1, No Brain - No Pain i Hit the Road. Zaktualizowano: 4th & Inches, Miami Vice Theme, Museum, Jesus on E's, Iraq, Music Disk i Shinobi. Amiga exe games | Nowe exe gry od The Company: Skarabeusz (Twin Spark Soft,1992), Lazarus (Infinite Dreams, TimSoft - Poland, 1995), Space Crusade (Gremlin,1992) i Lothar Matthaus: Die Interaktive Fussballsimulation (Bomico - Germany, 1993). Games That Weren't 64 | Strona GTW64 miał aktualizacji. Nowy: Soul Gem of Martek i Tobor. Aktualizacja: C64GS cartridge titles, 3-2-1 Quiz game, Captain Stark, Haunted, Knuckles, Laser Cycle, Last Ninja V1, Myth 2, Twister i Your Computer Software Exchange. FRGCB | Nowe gry porównania w FRGCB (Finnish Retro Game Comparison Blog): Forbidden Forest, Caverns of Khafka, Aliens, Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle, Psycho, The Fall Guy, The Dukes of Hazzard i Encounter!